About the Future

What is the future ? Is it meaning of the life? Or is it our’s purpose to living ? Maybe everything maybe nothing. We can not make permanent defination about that. Why? Because it is not certain.

Somebody thinks ‘my life is bad, I am an unsuccesful person. I can not do anything correctly.’ But I think it is wrong. You will be succesful person just you need find that ”What is my goals? ”. Try to find that. It is will be diffuclt but ymou must do that. Also you do not cry. If you still cry maybe you are a loser. Get up and believe yourself and believe your power. Because you have a limitless power. Try everything. Sometimes you will be disappointed but nevermind. Get up and try again again and again.

Are you tired ? You do not run just walk but never stop. Create your future. Earn your own money, deserve the respect. In your job you must try to be best in the world.

Sometimes you will try everything but you do not move anywhere. Do not be sad. Search the mistakes, learn the truth. Nothing happened at once. Sometimes Tesla was wrong or Edison even Einstein was wrong sometimes but they did not stop.

Believe yourself and never stop.

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